Hudson Gardens Vision Plan
Hudson Gardens Vision Plan: Cultivate the Future
South Suburban is inviting the community to "cultivate the future" of The Hudson Gardens & Event Center through a public engagement campaign. Community members are encouraged to share their ideas and help shape the future of this beloved scenic space.
Hudson Gardens is committed to serving as a recreational, educational, and cultural hub for the community. The Hudson Gardens Vision Plan will enhance the gardens as a destination for celebrations and events, expand offerings, and ensure long-term sustainability.
Since assuming operations of Hudson Gardens, South Suburban has allocated more than $5.4 million for Capital Improvement Projects through 2025. The largest project to date is the $2.6 million Pond and Stream Improvement Project. The Hudson Gardens Vision Plan will build on these investments and guide future improvements and programming over the next decade.
The public will have multiple opportunities to provide input, including events at Hudson Gardens, pop-up events in the area, stakeholder and focus group discussions, and an online survey.
Together, we can cultivate a vibrant future for Hudson Gardens for years to come.
Use the tools below to share your feedback. Use the Interactive Map to share ideas for a specific location, or share your thoughts using the Comments tool.
Share Your Thoughts
It was super fun at Halloween but too crowded. Maybe sell fewer tickets?
I've only ridden by it on my bike. Looks pretty! I'd like to see better marketing so I will know when to go!
I love all of the seasonal activities at the gardens. I'd like to see more summertime events.
Parking is great!! Not really anything to improve.
I'd like to see increased marketing.
I like events like pumpkin nights! I would like to see more family friendly events for small kids.
Our family enjoys attending fireworks at Hudson Gardens ever year! I would like to see guided tours.
I like the beauty. I'd like more events and marketing. I'd like more concerts and a farmers market.
I like the holiday lights.
I like the idea of the botanical gardens. I haven't been, but I am interested in going after learning more.
I love how peaceful the trails are and how there can be multiple events happening at once but you can't tell when there are others. I'd love to see more events that are accessible.
I like the plant life. I'd like to see more water features.
I like the gardens, beautiful trees, plants, flowers. I'd like to see a bike rack added.
I like the free admission. It is well maintained. Allow dogs.
I loved the Christmas/HOliday light show. We liked the cue cards with facts along the way. More food options maybe?
I love all of the gardens in general and all of the walking paths. I would love an outdoor glass tent/greenhouse.
I like how close it is to my home. I'd like to see field trips for students.
Love the place! Nothing to change. Keep free admission!
I'd like to see: Christmas lights would be very interesting to see; Halloween activities; fireworks.
I'd like to see the botanical gardens improved
I haven't been before. Events would be cool. Demonstrations about gardening or horticulture. Reading in the park. Community building.
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